Toggle the fug
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So what does "Toggle the Fug" mean, I hear you ask?

Well, the dictionary definition of "toggle" is to switch between two options, and "fug" is the stuffy atmosphere of a poorly ventilated space.

The literal definition of Toggle the Fug, therefore, is to change the atmosphere, or to change the mood. If, for example, you're in a conversation where things have got a little too serious or gloomy, or if you're wanting to take the party to a livelier level you could suggest that we "toggle the fug".

Another use of Toggle the Fug, when it is used as a greeting or statement, has to do with your attitude to your life. It has to do with being in control of your surroundings... you can change things for yourself if you are willing to. Each of us matter as a person, and if you don't like what you're in the middle of.... change it! You control your life, and you can make it better if you want to. Stop dreaming.... do it!

So, hey..... Toggle the Fug! :)